My Husband Dumped Me as Soon as He Walked into the Hospital Ward and Saw Our Newborn Twin Daughters

“You betrayed me!” My husband, Mark, uttered those cruel words after the birth of our twin daughters, accusing me of deception instead of sharing in the joy of their arrival. With harsh words and a sudden exit, he abandoned our family. But now, I am determined to rise above and create a new life for my children.

I lay in the hospital bed, feeling the weight of exhaustion but also the overwhelming joy of motherhood as I cradled my newborn daughters. After years of trying to conceive and facing a difficult pregnancy, holding my girls was a moment I had longed for.

With a smile, I sent a message to Mark: They’re here. Two beautiful girls. Can’t wait for you to meet them. I imagined the happiness he would feel upon hearing the news.

But when Mark arrived, his face was cold, devoid of the joy I expected. Instead of celebrating the birth of our daughters, his expression was one of anger.

“What’s wrong?” I asked, confused.

“You tricked me,” he snapped, barely glancing at the babies. “I thought we were having boys.”

Shocked, I tried to reason with him. “They’re healthy and beautiful. That’s what matters.”

But he was unmoved. “I needed sons to carry on the family name,” he muttered, accusing me of betraying him. His baseless accusations of infidelity were a crushing blow.

Without another word, Mark walked out, leaving me alone to care for our newborns. The betrayal was unbearable, but I refused to give up.

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